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ActivAge | Details

Marion Avanzini Christa Zauner  

Marion Avanzini / Christa Zauner
Photography: ActivAge
The focus of our project is on professions in which the practitioners are caught up by ageing earlier than elsewhere. The photographed portrayals are transferred onto fabric and the invisible signs of age are graphically incorporated by Marion Avanzini.
Among others the following persons were photographed Apnoea diver, ice diver and world record holder (Christian Redl) / Astronaut (Franz Viehböck), first and so far only Austrian in space / Ballet dancer who started her training at the age of three and whose joints were highly degenerated at 25.

Pez Hejduk.jpg  

Pez Hejduk
Photo series: House of the bookseller Erwin Heidrich, Vienna 2011/12
Vienna, 13th district / July 2011 - June 2012
For 95 years the bookseller Erwin Heidrich (1916-2011)
lived in the terraced house of the Gartenstadtsiedlung "Ostmark", built in 1914 by the young Wagner students Heinrich Schmid and Hermann Aichinger. For many years together with his wife Maria-Louise and son Wolfgang. After his death in his familiar living environment, his central place of life, with all the lovingly preserved and collected furnishings, books, works of art and a smorgasbord of various decorative items and rarities, the house had done its duty and, in its empty state, found new owners. Some of the furniture is still waiting for a new home in a storage hall. The rest was sold, given away or discarded.

Vinko Nino Jaeger  

Vinko Nino Jaeger
Mixed Media: Coffin lid
In this work Vinko Nino Jaeger explores the relationship between physical appearance or physical performance and inner knowledge about one's own age and biological gender. Death and ritual, exhibitionism and ideals of beauty are critically questioned. The fragment of a male mannequin serves as the lid of this transparent coffin. Because of its transparency, the coffin represents the Christian tradition of relics. The hermaphroditic body is located inside - like a portrait.

Katharina Miko Raffael Frick  

Katharina Miko / Raffael Frick
TV documentary: Warme Gefühle, Austria 2012
In WARME GEFÜHLE, Katharina Miko and Raffael Frick portray two men and two women who do not correspond at all to the image of the typical gay man and the typical lesbian woman. In contrast to Rudi, who as a "homosexual professional" can look back on a career with the ORF, the other three have stayed in Austria - which earned the now 66-year-old Friedemann a prison sentence of several months, just before the total ban on homosexuality was abolished in July 1971.

Andy Wallenta  

Andy Wallenta
Pixilation: Helping hands
A chequered plastic tablecloth and aged hands moving on it with the help of stop-motion in a screen. Hands of a woman who was a cleaner for 40 years. Hands caring for her sick father. The image of the hands will fade in the tablecloth pattern, disappear like the stains she has removed all her life. The soundtrack to the film will come live from the radio, and although the protagonist prefers to listen to Radio Niederösterreich, Ö3 will play, a station that stands for zeitgeist and glossy clichés. Headphones will be available for use under the installation.